
KINPACK has a remarkable effect on gardens. The pictures on this page are testament to the products sucess and not just in the garden, but for all types of plants including trees and lawns.

Simply follow the tips on this page.

Amazing Results

I have used KINPACK in a liquid form. It is particularly suited to my vegetable garden. In its natural state all crops thrive on the nutrients KINPACK offers.

I obtained a drum and located it close to my vegetable garden and used it to mix up the KINPACK liquid fertiliser. All I have to do is decant from my drum using my watering can. I simply keep it replenished with KINPACK and water as I need it. P.S. My flower garden loves it too, particularly my roses ...

Graham Wood, New Brighton, NZ


TIP: To make liquid manure

KINPACK achieves excellent results as a liquid fertiliser on all gardens and is a good stimulant for all plants.

Place KINPACK in a bucket or drum, (NOTE: The strength of the liquid manure depends largely on the ratio of manure to water and the size of your container). We suggest a ratio of up to 1kg of KINPACK to 10 litres of water. Adjust to suit your requirements.

Leave the liquid in your container for a few days, stir regularly, then apply as required.